The selected photographs that I will be using for my photo-poster that talks about my design issue in 3 posters, in order of the introduction, causes, effects & conclusion. I brightened the photographs and edited it in a way whereby it will look faded to give it a pale, silent and dead look. To portray a death feeling since my content is about the death of curiosity.
The laying out of text over laid on the photograph. I used black as the main colour so that it stands out from the photograph and be focused on. I also tried using white but it was too light and does not have as much contrast as compared to black.
I designed the layout of the facts in the style of a mind map, with facts branching out of the circular cards which are the keywords of the content. The facts are kept in sentences or short paragraphs because I don't want my audience to get bored reading long sentences, hence I kept all the information short and sweet.
Today, I also did the final touches to the video. I added in music and the simple opening sequence for the video which consist of the main logo and a subtitle to introduce the content of the video.
The scanned in version of the logo which is stained with the chemical colour change. I thought it would be ideal to place this coloured logo at the beginning to give the audience an idea of what to expect in the video. However, the colour is slightly different and dull afer being scanned in.

The main logo of my first outcome and the subtitle that informs my audience briefing about the video's content. I overlay the vector onto a picture of ink in water since it looks like a chemical colour change. The common colours seen in my video and logo will be purple, blue and pink.
Today I tested out the chemicals after leaving it aside for two days and I found out that the red cabbage water has started to stink and it is not as concentrated and the chemical colour change is not obvious anymore. So I've learnt that I would need to discard the solution once I am done with it and I would need a new solution everytime I want to carry out the experiment.
Tomorrow, I will be printing the packaging and branding design for the bottles that will contain the chemical solutions. Secondly, to print out the photo-posters. Final touch ups for my SOI and cpj will also be finalized by tomorrow.
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