Description :
The first outcome is a series of two A3
infographic-photo posters. The graphics are printed on a transparency and
layered in front of a photograph. The photograph consists of the bottles,
chemistry apparatus and a bridge to another outcome. They provide information
about my design issue and talk about the causes to the problem and ends with a
takeaway note. It comes along with an experimental corner to engage the
audience where they can do the laboratory test on the death of curiosity. At
the bottom of the posters, there will be instructions provided on how to
conduct the curiosity test, so it links it up to the next outcome.
Intention :
The aim of this outcome is to create awareness
and information about my design issue that is the loss of curiosity that leads
to non-creative solutions. Basically they talk about the causes to the problem
plus a take away note at the end of it. To remind people that hey curiosity is
easy, and it exists we just need to be more aware, they are situations to make
people curious without realizing that they can actually be curious.
Visuals :
Concerns :
I am not sure if they show the problem clear
enough and I am still thinking of a way to make the audience look through the
posters first to study the background of the problem, then look at the
instructions corner because most people get distracted by the bottles of
solution which is not the flow of the outcome.
Lecturer's comment :
I think a number of things here will help, firstly
instead of just going straight into the infographics, an introduction of the
problem will help, kinda like a short passage. Another area to work on is the
scale of the outcomes, I remember them as being rather small. I would suggest,
since you have the 2nd outcome of the bottles, to design this poster
to work with the botlles, so the poster will be laid on top of the table and
the various bottles and experiments will go on top of it. That way, the poster
layout will accommodate for the bottles and experiments. So in the design some
parts will be empty while others will have the information. Not sure if you get
what I mean.
Plan :
I've decided to make some changes to some of the designs of the outcomes and the layout of displaying them. I'm thinking of displaying the posters which most probably in A4 sized or slight bigger and put them up on the wall. And I will take off the instructions part on the poster and make them into a 2 sided leaflet, slightly smaller than a5. And it will be placed beside the bottles etc, and also including the short passage of the problem.
Outcome Two
Description :
This outcome is the “laboratory test on the death
of curiosity”, which is linked to the first outcome. This is the part where
people can have a little test on the colorless solutions that makes them
curious thinking of how a few colorless solutions can create colors (Red,
yellow, blue). Step by step instructions are provided and the test is done on a
piece of rounded paper where the user can take home with a takeaway note on it.
The bottled solutions are labeled according to the causes to the design issue
parenting, education, etc.
Intention :
The intention of this outcome is to create a
situation and to interact/engage the audience, where they can get their hands
on it and try doing something. At the same time to let them be aware that they
can actually be curious when they start sniffing and studying things. It's the
more fun and engaging outcome because it isn’t something they will come across
everyday and it will make them have a curious moment of “how did that happen”.
Visuals :
Concerns :
I can’t get hold of the unpure solutions (used in
real chemical labs), so for now my solutions are DIY-ed. So unprofessional and
I need to diy them every time I need to show this outcome, which is troublesome
but the unpure solutions are quite hard to source.
Lecturer's comment :
It will definitely be good if you get better
ones, but in the light of time and the importance of the other outcomes, this
shouldn’t be the priority.
Plan :
If time allows, and if I can source for the chemicals then I will purchase them. For now I will concentrate on the other outcomes.
Outcome Three
Description :
This outcome is also part of the introduction to
the problem but in a video form. It is a 1m50s video that is basically the
summary of what curiosity is about, what are the causes that led to it and
ending with a conclusion. There is no narration or subtitles, just a slow paced
video that people will read and understand through the words printed on the
rounded cards. In the video, the colour changes are also shown to let the
audience have a sneak peek to the colorless solution change. All in all, this 3
outcomes are linked together and comes in a whole.
Intention :
The intention of this outcome is a summary of the
design issue, to support the infographic photo poster. Just that it is shown
through images and short clips.
Visuals :
Concerns :
Not sure if it is clear enough because there is
no narration, and I cut short the video so that it isn’t so draggy.
Lecturer's comment :
The previous issue I had for this was that it was
really slow and the depth of content is not so much that it should drag so
long. Need to shorten and get to the point quicker. Not using narration is
possible but that would mean you need to the video needs to be really clear.
Plan :
I've edited the video according to the feedback I have gotten the other time, it has been shorten and not so draggy. I will take the narration suggestion into consideration.
Outcome Four
Description :
This outcome is a5 leather cover screw bind
booklet, it is the Made up curiosity traveler’s journal, it contains activities
for the traveler to document his experience down by trusting/using his 5
senses. The activities will be done and the 5 senses are involved to complete
the booklet. At the end of the day, the booklet will be filled up with things
he has collected, or seen, photographs will be slot in, sketches, writings will
complete it.
Intention :
This booklet is a combination of having a curious
mind and the usage of the 5 senses. The activities will push the designer/
traveler to pay more attention to his surroundings by using his 5 senses, after
documentation, this booklet will have already allowed the user to learn how to
be curious by paying attention to his 5 senses and keep this book for
inspirations for design solutions.
Visuals :
Concerns / Lecturer's comment :
I would think this outcome would be great if you
had more than one person’s examples to show the diverse possibilities of the
what the guide book can do. Imagine seeing the same exercise but done with 8
different people and they will come to 8 different types of inspirations. Aside
from the completed books, it will be good to have the unfilled version so that
we can see what it is. Remember in the design of the book to think about the
whole user experience. I know the book was created for yourself, so you
probably knew how to use the book. But you also need to think about the user
and how they will approach this for the first time, there needs to be a
foreword/passage to explain the purpose of the book, little hints and guides
for the these users. I would also think that a designed cover might work
better, rather than a leather cover. Think of keeping the art direction
consistent with this book, the first few outcomes and also the others that you
will do.
Plan :
This journal I wanted to make it simple because I was thinking that the contents should outshine the design of the booklet, not totally but maybe the main focus would be the contents. I guess the problem now is, to source for designers to complete the book because everyone is busy with their work.
Outcome Five
Description :
The pocket diary kit is a small canvas bag that
consists of a light weight disposable camera, a pen to jot things down and a a6
size pocket booklet. It is almost similar to the previous outcome just that
this is quite based on photographs. The photos from the disposable camera and
writings in the booklet will be transferred to either tumblr/ instagram. So it
becomes a kit for designers to document their experience with places through
their 5 senses, going to places or taking photographs that can inspire them for
design solutions.
Intention :
The tumblr/ instagram would be a platform for
designers to upload their photographs and writings where they can share
comments and ideas. This kit allows the designer to go explore with the usage
of the 5 senses, document inspirations and share them to get more creative
Visuals :
Concerns :
Still not very sure if this outcome can work out,
and for now the website is not up yet.
Overall for the journal and pocket kit, I sort of thing they were "useless" I guess because they were missing the link which was the exercises ----> inspirations -----> outcomes.
Lecturer's comment :
First up, similar to the
comment I gave for the previous outcome. You want to consider the art direction
and strive for a more consistent look. You don’t want each outcome to look like
they were done separately from each other. I do like the kit idea but if could expand
the kit into different areas where you had one or two exercises that focuses
specifically on each sense. That way the kit becomes a little more exciting for
the user too.
Other ideas and suggestions:
I think what is messing is
that there is a gap to show us how these experiments and exercises actually
translate into something amazing. This is important because, if you only show
that we can gather inspirations but not turn inspirations into outcomes, then
technically the point of looking for inspiration is moot. So I think that you
could have a series of posters that were designed based on the inspirations
that you’ve gathered by your own methods. As for the content of the posters, it
could work with the idea of the kit, so think about how when a designer
receives the kit, there is the practical part where it contains your exercises,
but also a series of posters that were meant to inspire and remind us on the
importance of the senses in relation to inspirations. So the posters could
essentially contain quotes or passages to challenge designers. But the method
and style of each different one would be taking inspiration from you using your
kit. I would think this is rather important because as the idiom suggests, you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t
make it drink. You can design solutions but if the user does not feel
inspired to use it, there’s no point to it too.
The website idea is definitely
helpful because it becomes like a one stop venue for the project
I think it would be wise for
there to be a Korea/Tokyo outcome of some sort, kinda like how you gathered
inspirations from these two countries. They can be done through the
fieldguides. So you have one specific to Korea and another for Tokyo. This also
shows how you can draw inspiration from any where.
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