Sunday 20 October 2013

Rework : Infographic poster

The first draft of the combination for the text/graphics on the photo background. This time round, I squeezed both graphics and texted into 2 pages instead of 3 because the previous infographic poster's information where too scattered and there wasn't any focus point, hence my audience did not pay much attention to the poster and instead got distracted to the chemical kit.

This time round, I also included the instructions in the infographic poster itself so that it will enforce the audience to read through the information, then the instructions then lastly the chemistry kit. The instructions will allow the audience to know how to go about doing the test and what the take away message is about. Because in the previous outcome during the first assessment, the feedback passed to me was that my first outcome was all over the place and there wasn't a focus point. Moreover the instructions wasn't clear enough.

I tried 2 different layouts for the 4 main instructions, one was all in a vertical order while the other one was 2 side by side. In the end I decided to use the one in vertical order because it had more flow and was more direct. 

The final design of the infographic poster, for this rework I used bolder fonts so that they stand out more and will grab the audience's attention. Everything doesn't look as scattered and all over the place. This time round, I also included the chemical name of the different bottles so that it is easier for my audience to learn what each bottle is about. There are 4 bottles in total which are the main causes to the lost of curiosity. Namely, P3CL2 which stands for parenting methods, EdNO3 for education and TC2H2 which represents technology. The universal indicator that causes the colour change will be CuOH2 which represents Curiosity. 

Overall, it is a very brief but clear facts about my issue's background but at the same time provide information about the bottles and also include the instructions to go about how to conduct the chemistry kit.

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