Friday 11 October 2013

Linking Cities project x Travel Journal No.1 : Process

The process of DIY for the travel journal. I printed 2 activities on a A4 size paper and folded them into half, so I will bind the edges of the paper. It contains 18 activities which is also equivalent to 9 days which the duration of the trip in korea. Some pages contains pockets, while some are envelopes. 

As for this page, a pocket will be formed between two pages. The bottom will have an extra piece of paper to allow more space for the contents. A transparency is also placed in the inner box so the pocket is see-through and parts of the contents can be viewed without having the traveller to take it out. 

Some of the pages have white envelop pockets to keep objects found during the trip while some pages are kept simple and just a space for thoughts. So the traveller can doodle, write paragraphs or even paste things inside the box, so it is up to the traveller's curiosity and creativity. Which is what part of my hypothesis is about, to use the 5 senses to enhance curiosity and creativity. 

A mini mock up of how my works will look like for the exhibition. The book here is binded and a thicker paper is added to cover one edge of the paper to make it more secure and hold the papers together. This is how it looks like without the leather cover. 

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