Wednesday 4 September 2013

Visual research ideas

Today, I ran through the visual research on curiosity. Mainly on the art direction and potential art directions that I can apply on my outcomes in the near future. 

The images of crystals and geometrical shapes gives me the idea of how a brain looks like and in order to be curious, we have to use out brains. Hence there is a resemblance which I can consider using.

Also, the type of layout direction which I can adopt if I do editorial outcomes.

I also chanced upon this designer who's designs caught my attention immediately. It is a branding for a fictional artist that she created called Majja Oye. "Majja is a musician from Norway, whose music is based on artists like Sigur Ros and Sol Seppy. Using a variety of instruments, soundmakers, and even random objects, she creates eerie, dreamy, but also edgy and energetic instrumentals. Her music, like nature, is fragile yet bold."

Her works gave me an inspiration to combine music and visuals, which I can try out towards the end of the semester where using the 5 senses is the hypothesis of my project.

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