Wednesday 19 February 2014

Made up chemistry

Last week in week 5 round table, I was having a bad time finding solutions for my project because my hypothesis deals with the 5 senses. I found it hard to accommodate to all the 5 senses, during that week I also learnt about invasive senses. Invasive senses as in we take in messages using different senses and each sense are utilised at a different level.

Out of the five senses, sight and hearing are the most utilized senses as sounds and visuals are invasive and difficult to shy away from. While one might be able to not engage in tasting, touching and smelling voluntarily, it is impossible to avoid overhearing or seeing something when chanced upon as both the eyes and ears are mostly required in daily activities.

Having that theory proven in the literature review, I struggled with coming up with an outcome that accommodates all the 5 senses and balancing the usage of all 5. My peers suggested to me in the round table session that maybe I can consider to concentrate on just one sense instead of being tugged in all five directions.

After that session, I considered their comments and did some thinking. That very same day, I spoke to Stanley and he was suggesting that I should work on a app. A space where the user can document his 5 senses experience and trying out on social media. I had an idea of making a laboratory space of the 5 senses for inspiration.

I was rethinking about my outcome, my outcome needs to be something that can document experiences and a process of recording. It will encourage users to make use of their senses and constantly search for inspirations. To document our experiences by keeping a memory as an inspiration.

Then i recalled that during the winter holidays, I gave my project a second thought based on the name, Made Up Curiosity. I remember the concept revolving around chemistry, 

Chemistry : Any or all of the elements that make up something
Chemistry = Made up : A mixture of substances that will make one curious about what they will achieve. Eg : In chemistry class, we are also curious about what we are going to end up with

I looked deeper into the word chemistry and I linked them to three other words : laboratory, incubator and alchemy. And the second word, memory which links to storage and retrieval. Everything is finally making senses and from all these thinking, I found a pattern. 

I placed a lot of attention on the sense of smell. I looked into big words such as synthesis, heat exchange machine, perfumery technology and fractional distiller. These methods share a common factor in chemistry and they are methods to extract smell.

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