Friday 7 March 2014

Kaleidoscope for Graphic design

Since my outcome is using the mechanics of a kaleidoscope to design a solution with Graphic design, I did some research on previous works that were done with the idea of the kaleidoscope. I realised that most of the kaleidoscope related works were prints or patterns formed on prints. Very seldom to see designers building a kaleidoscope for their project outcome and I think it is such a waste because kaleidoscopes are such interactive solutions with endless possibilities. I found two examples of unconventional ways of using the kaleidoscope, using the original idea for another purpose. 


Foodleidoscope is done by Pearlyn Sim, a local designer and this design is a solution to a problem.

"Foodleidoscope is derived from looking at food in a different perspective and noticing the beauty of food. Using the the mechanics of a kaleidoscope, the mirror inside allows food to be reflected into different angles and patterns. Exploring on different kinds of shapes and sizes of dry food, researching on different recipes that is used to create food that we usually eat and consume.

We quoted, “peeping through opacity” as this food packaging allows people to look at food in a totally different angle, turning something what is supposed to be “opaque”, with the help of the medium to allow people to see through."

Credits :


Kaleidoscope is another interesting idea of using the kaleidoscope to create new typography. The designer of this project placed some plastic types into the bottom of the kaleidoscope and from there many other type faces starts to form when the kaleidoscope is being rotated. Not just one basic type faces were found but also ornamental, calligraphic typefaces were spotted."My topic in seminars of typography was "Light and Typography" so I decided to create five kaleidoscopes. This toy was named by combining three Greek words: kalos - meaning beautiful; eidos - form; and skopeo - I see. A lot of glittering glass cullets makes amazing pictures because of the light. The main idea was to use characters made from coloured transparent material and convert them into abstract pictures."

Credits :

I like the idea of both works done by the two designers, they use different objects but the same idea of using the kaleidoscope but can obtain different results and goals. The use of the kaleidoscope sort of provided them with many possibilities and clearly worked as a good solution. Which is sort of what we want to achieve with the use of the kaleidoscope, to allow users to see things in a different light which can be an inspiration for their graphic design works.

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